General Characteristics
Organ / Meridian Muscle Group | General Bodily Area | Associated Tissue / Functioning | Associated Bodily System |
Pericardium (PE) | Chest & Forearms | Organ Linings | Peritoneal |
- Meridian Muscle Group (MMG) Information
- The Pericardium MMG is a yin meridian in the upper body, traversing the anterior medial aspect of the arms.Pericardium is balanced by Skin, a yang MMG that traverses the posterior lateral aspect of the arms.
- Kinetic Movement Pattern
- Squeezing
Associated Ailments
- Associated Physical Concerns
- Carpal tunnel, hand, shoulder, wrist
- Associated Injuries
- Upper back, swimmers shoulder, biceps strain, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, surfers elbow,forearm strain
- Physiological Concerns
- Cold hands and/or feet, constriction of blood flow, pale skin coloring, stiffness, sleep disorders, chest pain, susceptibility to flu, runny nose
- Associated Illness and Disease
- Pericardium problems, circulation, flu, insomnia, pericardium problems
- Psychological Concerns
- Frightened, masochistic, panic attacks
Pericardium Muscles
The following is a list of muscles associated with the Pericardium meridian. Note that specific muscles are concomitant with specific meridians while some muscles are associated with several meridians. It is especially important to note that this list was created from: the exact muscles that acupuncture needles puncture through to access individual meridian points; muscles that are along the meridian pathways; muscle group agonist and antagonists; stretching experiences; trigger point theory and practice; muscle synergists.
- Major Muscle Groups
- Biceps brachii, pectoralis minor, brachialis, coracobrachialis, flexor carpi radialis, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, palmaris longus, pronator teres, pronator quadratus, flexor pollicis longus, flexor retinaculum, palmar interosseous, lumbricals
- Visualizing Your Muscle Groups
- There are a large number of muscles in your body. Is there a way to think about them or visualize them in a way that makes them easy to understand? Of course. Here’s how.Think of your body as eight cylindrical tubes, four stacked on top of each other, or sixteen half tubes. In your lower and upper body, there are tubes on the front, back, outside, inside and on the four angles in between. Each of those eight cylindrical tubes contain muscles in groups that go from your feet into your trunk and head, or from your arms into your face or trunk. Well, it just so happens that each of those tubes is also exactly where the meridians are in TCM! So each major muscle group is concomitant with one meridian in TCM.
- Balancing Muscle Group
- Balancing muscles are located directly through the bone across from each other and have opposite directions of action. In Western anatomy, these same muscles are called agonist and antagonist of one another. Because the sixteen meridian muscle groups balance as eight pairs of muscle groups, they are called Balancing Meridian Muscle Groups. The balancing muscles are dependent on each other to make possible maximum shortening and lengthening movements, because as one side of the body shortens the other lengthens. But because both the strengthening and stretching of any muscle depends on the flexibility of its balancing muscle, the balancing muscle group is always the determining factor in developing the strength and flexibility of the muscle (assuming there is no unusual damage to the muscle group you are trying to strengthen or stretch).The Pericardium MMG is a yin meridian in the upper body, traversing the anterior medial aspect of the arms.Pericardium is balanced by Skin, a yang MMG that traverses the posterior lateral aspect of the arms.The stretch length of the Pericardium MMG is limited by its balancing muscle group's ability to shorten (Skin). Stretching the balancing muscle group increases its ability to both shorten and lengthen.The target muscle group (Pericardium) will stretch more successfully after the balancing muscle group has been stretched. If you still are not making optimal flexibility gains in the Pericardium MMG, you will need to stretch and strengthen the superficial opposing muscle group (Large Intestine).
- Aspect of Body
Body - Opposing Muscle Group
- The muscles that are perpendicular to one another are called opposing muscle groups (to be distinguished from balancing muscle groups that are located directly through the bone across from each other and have opposite directions of action). The action of opposing muscle groups is surprising. Their level of strength and flexibility govern the proper rotation of the muscle group that you are stretching. If your target muscle being stretched (Pericardium) does not increase in flexibility by stretching its balancing muscle group (Skin), then you'll need to stretch the opposing muscle groups.Stretch the superficial opposing MMG (Large Intestine) to troubleshoot the target muscle group (Pericardium). Stretch the true opposing MMG (Stomach) to develop the high personality traits necessary for optimal Pericardium functioning and development.
- Completing Muscle Group
- Completing muscle groups are the 'top' for lower body muscle groups and the 'bottom' for upper body muscle groups. The Pericardium MMG traverses the anterior medial aspect of the legs and its completing MMG, Kidney, traverses the anterior medial aspect of the arms.
- Target MMG
Body - Energy Flow Trellis
- In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), energy flows from one meridian muscle pathway to the next in a very specific order. In TCM this order is called the 'energy cycle'. This order is determined by the depth of the muscles in the body and begins with the muscles associated with the gall bladder, with the next always being its balancing muscle group, in this case liver, and then on through all the rest. The cycle always includes two lower body, then two upper body meridian muscle groups, and then repeats two more of each. Ultimately all 16 have been completed.In the energy trellis diagram, the horizontal pairs are balancing organs in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and they are also balancing muscle groups. The diagram also houses other secrets about the interrelationships of muscles, organs, and personalities. The stretches directly above and below each other are completing meridian muscle groups, the same muscle groups above and below in your body. The stretches diagonal from each other aresuperficial opposing meridian muscle groups. The superficial opposing muscle group's completing muscle group is the true opposing muscle group.
Pericardium(tar.) and Skin(bal.) Meridian Muscle Groups
Pericardium Meridian
Pericardium and Skin Meridians
Meridian Muscle Group Relationships
These are the balancing, opposing, and completing meridian muscle groups for thePericardium meridian muscle group (MMG).
Balancing | Opposing (Superficial) | Opposing (True) | Completing |
Pericardium Personality Type
The Genius of Judiciousness and Openness
High and Low Personality Traits
High Psychological Traits | Low Psychological Traits |
Good JudgmentEthical, open, prudent, undisguised, karmic perceptive, philanthropic, transparent, validating, straightforward | MasochisticSelf-defeating, oblivious, stiff, closed, sentencing, implacable |
High Emotional Traits | Low Emotional Traits |
OpenI am transparent in my feelings. | ClosedI shun pleasure. |
High Spiritual Traits | Low Spiritual Traits |
EthicalI have fair judgments. | JudgementalI sentence others unfairly. |
Personality Group: Spiritual
Instinct | Time Reference | Awareness | Function |
Moral / Amoral | Relative | Alive / Suffering | Reactive |
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