rasa is the "elixir", the "alchemy", the "taste" or essence of any impression; the aesthetic experience in transcendence; the emotional fulfillment of the soul; the nectar of life:))
Friday, 30 January 2015
Thursday, 29 January 2015
my body my temple!
"My body is the temple, where flesh and Spirit unite. Dance is my prayer.
Enter my temple and be loved a thousand and one ways.
Within the sanctuary of my heart, only LoVe dwells.
I am a vessel of abundance, infinite dreams.
I am a priestess devoted to LoVe ~ with my body and every breath..." ॐ heart emoticon
Enter my temple and be loved a thousand and one ways.
Within the sanctuary of my heart, only LoVe dwells.
I am a vessel of abundance, infinite dreams.
I am a priestess devoted to LoVe ~ with my body and every breath..." ॐ heart emoticon
Friday, 23 January 2015
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana / Upward-Facing Dog Pose

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Upward-Facing Dog Pose
B E N E F I T S — Improves posture — Strengthens the spine, arms, wrists — Stretches chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen — Firms the buttocks — Stimulates abdominal organs — Helps relieve mild depression, fatigue, and sciatica — Therapeutic for asthma
© Leslie Kaminoff's Yoga Anatomy
Thursday, 22 January 2015
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
The Meaning of Yoga.
The meaning of Yoga is different from person to person, in view of the varied nature of an individual’s feelings and experiences. For some, it is a way of life, and for others, it is a way to keep the body free from different ailments. For many, it involves the practice of Relaxation and Meditation. However, according to my own experience, Yoga is a way of unfolding our hidden qualities and awakening our dormant faculties.
The word “Yoga” literally means “to unite,” and people interpret this unity in different ways. Some say it is the uniting of individual consciousness with higher consciousness; others believe it to be a state of realization. However, practically speaking, it is a state of unity, balance and equilibrium, between body and brain, brain and mind, mind and spirit. When all the aspects of personality are in balance, our personality expresses itself in a different way.
Yoga and the Altered State of Consciousness
Any change, in the normal behavior of the mind, can be an altered state. When we get angry, it is an altered state of consciousness; when we go to sleep, it is another altered state; and when we express ourselves, we create altered states. There are some experiences, which bring the mind down towards the gross, instinctive, and rational plane; and other experiences that go beyond the instinctive and rational level, which are probably best expressed by the term “intuitive states of mind.”
Yoga helps us with the different situations and experiences, with which we are confronted. Some are very pleasing and we feel elated; but when we are confronted with depressing situations, we let them get us down. During our whole life, from birth until death, our mind fluctuates between these two extremes. One such extreme is of happiness, satisfaction, and joy. The other extreme is of sadness and frustration- Our thoughts, emotions, feelings, behavior, and attitudes are always fluctuating, moving from one side of the scale to the other, and during these fluctuations, our energies become unbalanced.
“Unbalanced,” means that we are unable to harness the potential of our personality, and our mind stays in a state of dissipation, unable to concentrate, unable to become one-pointed or focused. It is at this time, that by practicing Yoga, we are able to gain a better control over our intellect, emotion, and behavior.
Aspects of yoga
There are three aspects of Yoga – Physical, Mental, and Spiritual.
The Physical Aspects of Yoga
The physical aspect of Yoga is where we try to harmonize the body and become aware of the different types of imbalance, within the physical structure, which cause various types of stress and tension. Due to muscular and physical stress, a state of imbalance occurs, which becomes the cause of different aches and pains, psychosomatic, and somopsychic disorders – where the harmony of the body is distorted.
Let’s see how many types of physical movements we go through during the day:
Just try to imagine. We sit in a chair; our body is bent. We sit on the floor; our body is bent. We sit on the bed; our body is bent. Most of the movements that the body experiences, in the hours of our waking state, create a lot of physical tension. How many times do we actually stretch our body? How many times do we actually provide traction to the body during the day? There are very few times. How many times do we twist our body in a controlled way, without any jerk? Again, it is very few times. How many times do we make a conscious effort to curve the body backward? It is very rarely. We can say that, apart from sleeping flat in bed, most of the time, we spend it is in a forward bend posture. Right now, you are bending forward. Your spine may be straight and upright, but your legs are bent. This type of posture creates some type of tension. This imbalance creates a definite distortion in the functioning of the internal organs and systems. The digestive system is affected without doubt, unless we have a very powerful digestive tract.
The physical aspect of Yoga aims to eliminate this imbalance, by prescribing various postures or Asanas. Asanas are smooth, controlled movements, which are done slowly and with awareness, to provide the maximum stretch to the body in every direction. When we begin Yoga, we do not start with difficult practices, like the Headstand, but with very simple practices, such as moving the fingers and toes, the hands, wrists and arms – just to gain a deeper understanding about the state of our body, about our muscular, nervous, and skeletal systems. Thus, we become aware of where we are stiff, where we are tight, and how best we can remove that stiffness and tightness. It is this gradual working with the body that leads to the discovery of the body, which is the main object in the physical aspect of Yoga.
Apart from the physical structure, within our body, we experience levels of energy. When we wake up, we feel fresh and energetic; but by the end of the day, we are feeling down, low in energy, tired. If we, again, relax for some time, and the body is able to recuperate, again, the level of energy rises, and we feel okay. The stale of tiredness decreases. The level of energy also increases, with the state of physical relaxation, and decreases when the body is in a state of tension.
When we practice Asana, by stretching the body in different directions, we are also relaxing the muscular structure, tissues, bones, and nervous system, and massaging the internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys, intestines, and stomach. It is a gentle toning. In this way, the whole body is brought into a state of balance. When we feel balanced within, physically free from tension and stress, free from stiffness and tightness, then that physical harmony influences the activity of the brain.
Apart from Asana, there are practices of Pranayama – breathing techniques. The breath is intimately related with the states of emotion and intellect. We take our breath for granted and fail to understand that, by harmonizing the breathing pattern, we can also influence and alter the pattern of our emotions, mind, and intellect. When you have felt afraid, or angry, your breath becomes fast and shallow, but when you are relaxed, tension-free, breath becomes slow and deep. The breath definitely controls certain aspects of the nervous system, the activity of the brain, and emotional and intellectual expression. The practice of Pranayama gives us voluntary control over our intellectual and emotional activities.
The Mental Aspect of Yoga
When we study Yogic literature, we find that Yoga is a form of psychotherapy. The whole process of Yoga eventually deals with knowing, understanding, and realizing the mind.
Another type of stress is emotional. Emotional stress plays a very important role in our life. Intellectual stress plays a very important role, also. Both types of stress deal with the feeling of security, inhibition, inferiority, or superiority complexes, and our ability to express ourselves. Many things are involved here – not just one. Through various practices of relaxation and concentration, which aim to focus the attention at one point, we are able to overcome the state of emotional stress.
Relaxation is definitely something which we all require. We cannot avoid it. Sleep is a form of relaxation; but when we go to bed at night, we carry our problems with us. We carry our thoughts, frustrations, anxieties, and stress. So, when sleep comes, we do not know; and if the level of stress is high, we pass a very restless night. If the level of stress is low, we are not even aware of how we passed the night – all the lights are out. Yoga says that in order to relax totally, one should be able to go to bed alone. It means that we should not carry extra baggage with us to relax the mind. Before you go to bed, put your thoughts aside on your bedside table. Just like you take off your glasses and watch, remove your thoughts and keep them aside – remove the stress and keep it beside you. Just go to bed by yourself. By doing this, we become more aware of our mental requirements and of what is needed for proper physical and psychological relaxation.
Remember, we need the ability to observe our state of mind – I am having this type of thought, I am undergoing this type of physical experience, I am passing through this emotional experience, I am undergoing this conflict, this tension – full awareness of body and mind.
As you throw off the day, in preparation for sleep, become aware of the different parts of the body (for example, the breath) and acknowledge that they exist. Become aware of the mental activity, in terms of thoughts – what types of thoughts are coming? How are they affecting me? It is a process of becoming awake to our inner mind, watching the mind, observing the mind.
Concentration is not Meditation. Concentration is just focusing the dissipated energies of mind; and when these dissipated energies are focused, the resulting concentrated awareness becomes willpower. The concentrated mind becomes the experience of self-confidence, and a new vista, a new perspective of life and work opens up. This is the mental aspect of Yoga.
The Spiritual Aspect of Yoga
The meaning of spirituality, in Yoga, is defined as experiencing the spirit, the energy, the driving force, the motivation behind every action, and experience in life. Some people are aware of it, and some are not; but there is a driving force behind our every thought, feeling, attitude, and action, and it is becoming aware of that which is termed as the spiritual aspect of Yoga.
There are times when we become highly active. There are times when we become highly sensitive, passive or dynamic. Dynamism, vitality, and energy are a definite force, known as “Prana.” The fluctuations in our mood, in our experiences, represent low forms of energy that govern and direct the whole of our life.
Being passive, analytical, intuitive, aware, having a broad view and vision, are the expressions of a different type of energy. This second form of energy is known as “Chitta.” By combining these two energies, Prana and Chitta, the physical aspect and the mental aspect, we are able to experience life in its totality, and that is the ultimate aim of Yoga.
So, Yoga means “unity of the physical and mental energies.” When the restlessness of the mind, intellect, and self is stabilized, through the practice of Yoga, the Yogi by the grace of Spirit, within himself, finds fulfillment. There is nothing higher and more blissful than this.
Aum Shanti
Courtesy: Dr. Rita Khanna.
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Sunday, 11 January 2015
Pilgrimage into the Womb...
This I know for truth: When we explore deeply into our bodies, and release the emotional, energetic and physical contractions that block the free flowing of our Life Force, something incredible happens – our aliveness awakens.
'Our sexual energy, our Life Force, is innocent. It is our expression of the pure and exhilarating desire to be ALIVE – everything contains this powerful impulse. At its deepest expression it the desire to give Love. It takes an incredible amount of energy to keep it locked down, but we do – out of shame, judgment, emotional and sexual wounding and deliberate manipulation by cultural conditioning. When we explore deeply into our bodies, and release the emotional, energetic and physical contractions that block the free flowing of our Life Force, something incredible happens – our aliveness awakens. We feel ourselves again fully, maybe for the first time in this lifetime. We realize we are magical, powerful creatures beyond measure, interconnected with all of Life. Anything is possible. We are not only the agents of magic; we are the magic. We are not only the vessel of God; we are part of God. We are a beautiful alive cell in the great Cosmic body. We were not created as slaves, not to our jobs, to the system, to money, to our parents, to bad relationships, to health problems. We were created to be loved, to love, to thrive, to create, to enjoy, to inspire, to be inspired, to revel in Creation. For eons the Holy Grail Womb Grid has been shut down, but now it has re-opened – and life is asking us to step through the magical doorway and reclaim Her.
'Our sexual energy, our Life Force, is innocent. It is our expression of the pure and exhilarating desire to be ALIVE – everything contains this powerful impulse. At its deepest expression it the desire to give Love. It takes an incredible amount of energy to keep it locked down, but we do – out of shame, judgment, emotional and sexual wounding and deliberate manipulation by cultural conditioning. When we explore deeply into our bodies, and release the emotional, energetic and physical contractions that block the free flowing of our Life Force, something incredible happens – our aliveness awakens. We feel ourselves again fully, maybe for the first time in this lifetime. We realize we are magical, powerful creatures beyond measure, interconnected with all of Life. Anything is possible. We are not only the agents of magic; we are the magic. We are not only the vessel of God; we are part of God. We are a beautiful alive cell in the great Cosmic body. We were not created as slaves, not to our jobs, to the system, to money, to our parents, to bad relationships, to health problems. We were created to be loved, to love, to thrive, to create, to enjoy, to inspire, to be inspired, to revel in Creation. For eons the Holy Grail Womb Grid has been shut down, but now it has re-opened – and life is asking us to step through the magical doorway and reclaim Her.
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
free spirit!!!
"I'm a free spirit. I believe I'm here on earth to admire and enjoy it; that's my religion." ॐ
- Alice Walker

- Alice Walker

Monday, 5 January 2015
Embracing Sensuality!

Are you holding back your beauty and your sensuality in the name of being humble, modest, or spiritually proper?
What a pity. Nature never holds back, so why should you? If you have it, share it in honor of Nature herself.
Let your Grace and your Beauty Shine forth like a brilliant star providing Light. The sunset never holds back its beauty in the name of some spiritual concept.
Look at all the flowers, the trees, the birds, and the bees... they're all expressing themselves fully, providing their fragrance and shining their colors without reservation.
Share your beauty not for egoic pleasure, but as an Honoring of who and what you are. If you do, you will inspire others to do the same and they will grow from your expression.
If you don't, what a great loss. Express your beauty like a Flower opening itself to the Sun and let your fragrance go out into the world and fill it up with Love.. ॐ
~ Q-Mars Imande
Sunday, 4 January 2015
Blessed Full Moon Magic ~ Be Your True Divine Self!
Don't worry if you are making waves simply by being yourself.
The Moon does it All the time!
The Moon does it All the time!

~ Honor your Beauty ~
Are you holding back your beauty and your sensuality in the name of being humble, modest, or spiritually proper?
What a pity. Nature never holds back, so why should you? If you have it, share it in honor of Nature herself.
Let your Grace and your Beauty Shine forth like a brilliant star providing Light. The sunset never holds back its beauty in the name of some spiritual concept.
Look at all the flowers, the trees, the birds, and the bees... they're all expressing themselves fully, providing their fragrance and shining their colors without reservation.
Share your beauty not for egoic pleasure, but as an Honoring of who and what you are. If you do, you will inspire others to do the same and they will grow from your expression.
If you don't, what a great loss. Express your beauty like a Flower opening itself to the Sun and let your fragrance go out into the world and fill it up with Love..
~ Q-Mars Imandel
ℒƠѵℯ ♡♡♡

Stop talking,
Stop thinking,
Stop imagining,
When your mind is still and quiet, it reflects your Divinity. ॐ
Stop talking,
Stop thinking,
Stop imagining,
When your mind is still and quiet, it reflects your Divinity. ॐ

Thursday, 1 January 2015
Sexual Energy!
"Your flow of sexual energy, your body as you choose to express it and enjoy it, these are yours and no one else's to dictate nor to shame."
"Hiding your sensuality for the comfort of others is a cage, my child." The Goddess said. "Your flow of sexual energy, your body as you choose to express it and enjoy it, these are yours and no one else's to dictate nor to shame. Beware child those that would make things "bad" or "wrong" when it comes to your own expression, the chains they place upon you are not for your benefit, but to give them the leash upon you. You are a sacred, sensual, goddess of passion with the flames of the divine within. Never let them extinguish you." ॐ
"Hiding your sensuality for the comfort of others is a cage, my child." The Goddess said. "Your flow of sexual energy, your body as you choose to express it and enjoy it, these are yours and no one else's to dictate nor to shame. Beware child those that would make things "bad" or "wrong" when it comes to your own expression, the chains they place upon you are not for your benefit, but to give them the leash upon you. You are a sacred, sensual, goddess of passion with the flames of the divine within. Never let them extinguish you." ॐ
~Ara | The Goddess Circle

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