Wednesday 17 July 2013

What Is Rasa?
Rasa: the "taste" or essence of any impression; the aesthetic experience in transcendence; the emotional fulfillment of the soul; the nectar of life.

Rasa means . . . the ultimate creation that a musician strives for, the ability to create through their art form a venue to touch the inner soul. To get to the root of your emotions, to blend completely through this auditory medium his emotions with the audience. This is when the performer and his audience fuse into one. The attainment of such purity is of primary importance in Indian music.
"All that you will learn about music, Indian or otherwise, strives for this final destination where musical notes transcend tonal boundaries and touch centers within the inner soul with a communicative power that can be described as pure enlightenment, or as some have put it, "fusion with god", hence the phrase, coined by the sage Yajnavalka, "true musicians don't have to go to heaven, they are already there!" If you have experienced something like this then you have experienced Rasa!
In the Sanskrit language, Rasa has many different meanings. But all these in a broader sense coalesce towards defining the multitude of human emotions. In one word, perhaps nectar would best describe it. Some define it as a state of climax of the subtle fanciful imagination, reflective emotions, and sentiments in a human mind. When aroused, they produce an extraordinary emotional change or alteration called Rasabhava.

Traditionally, there are nine different types of Rasa, although variations on these are also possible.
1. Shringar - This depicts the sentiment of love, sensuality, and erotic emotions.
2. Raudra - This covers the realm of anger, rage, and other violent wrathful emotions.
3. Hasya - Under this Rasa come the joyful, the comic, and happy emotions.
4. Vibhatsaya - Disgust and ludicrous emotions.
5. Veera - Bravery, heroism, and manliness are some of the attributes of this Rasa.
6. Karuna - Sadness, pathos, compassion, sympathy.
7. Bhayanak - This Rasa caters to the emotions of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.
8. Adabhuta- Wonder and curiosity are two of the attributes of this Rasa.
9. Shanta - Contemplative, meditative and peaceful emotions form this Rasa.

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