Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Ardha Titli Asana (Half Butterfly)

Ardha Titali - Half Butterfly

This asana specifically loosens up the thigh, hip, knee and ankle joints.

Remain sitting with your legs extended out in front of you.
Fold your left leg and place your left foot onto the right thigh.
Place your left hand on top of the left knee.
Relax your whole body.
Now gently push the left knee up and down.
While performing this movement, mentally repeat to yourself, “I am loosening up my ankle, knee and hip joints and will eventually be able to touch the floor with my folded knee”.

Move your knee up and down 25 times. After completing slowly straighten your bent leg without jerking or twisting the knee.
Then bend your leg, bringing your heel to the buttocks and then straighten it again, to release any muscular tension.
Now fold your right foot onto the left thigh and repeat the same process.

Note: With practice and the right mental attitude, everyone will eventually be able to touch their knees to the ground. The focus, however, should not be on touching the knee to the ground, but actually moving through the asanas with awareness and the right attitude. Remember no excess strain or pain must be felt at any point.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Goolf Ghoornan (Ankle Crank)

 Goolf Ghoornan (Ankle Crank)
Goolf Ghoornan - Ankle Crank
The first of the premeditative asanas loosen up the ankle joints.
TechniqueSit on your yoga mat, stretching both legs out in front of you.
Bend your right leg, placing your foot on the left thigh, as near as possible to the groin.
Hold the right toes with your left hand and your right ankle with the left hand.
Mentally repeat to yourself “I am loosening up my ankle joints, and with practice, they will become loose”.Simultaneously rotate your ankle 10 times clockwise and 10 times anti-clockwise.
Try to relax your foot as much as possible, rotating your foot about the ankle with your left hand.
Now repeat the whole process, with the left foot folded on the right thigh.