Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Ardha Titli Asana (Half Butterfly)

Ardha Titali - Half Butterfly

This asana specifically loosens up the thigh, hip, knee and ankle joints.

Remain sitting with your legs extended out in front of you.
Fold your left leg and place your left foot onto the right thigh.
Place your left hand on top of the left knee.
Relax your whole body.
Now gently push the left knee up and down.
While performing this movement, mentally repeat to yourself, “I am loosening up my ankle, knee and hip joints and will eventually be able to touch the floor with my folded knee”.

Move your knee up and down 25 times. After completing slowly straighten your bent leg without jerking or twisting the knee.
Then bend your leg, bringing your heel to the buttocks and then straighten it again, to release any muscular tension.
Now fold your right foot onto the left thigh and repeat the same process.

Note: With practice and the right mental attitude, everyone will eventually be able to touch their knees to the ground. The focus, however, should not be on touching the knee to the ground, but actually moving through the asanas with awareness and the right attitude. Remember no excess strain or pain must be felt at any point.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Goolf Ghoornan (Ankle Crank)

 Goolf Ghoornan (Ankle Crank)
Goolf Ghoornan - Ankle Crank
The first of the premeditative asanas loosen up the ankle joints.
TechniqueSit on your yoga mat, stretching both legs out in front of you.
Bend your right leg, placing your foot on the left thigh, as near as possible to the groin.
Hold the right toes with your left hand and your right ankle with the left hand.
Mentally repeat to yourself “I am loosening up my ankle joints, and with practice, they will become loose”.Simultaneously rotate your ankle 10 times clockwise and 10 times anti-clockwise.
Try to relax your foot as much as possible, rotating your foot about the ankle with your left hand.
Now repeat the whole process, with the left foot folded on the right thigh.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Union of Prana and Apana by Sivananda Saraswati.

Union of Prana and Apana by Sivananda Saraswati:

Sit in siddhasana or Siddha yoni asana. Relax the whole body for a few minutes, bringing it to the point of absolute immobility. Now become aware of the natural abdominal breath. 

Center your awareness on the movement of the navel as you inhale and exhale. Continue for some minutes. Now become aware that there are two forces traveling to the navel - prana, and Apana. One force (Apana) is ascending from mooladhara to the navel, while the other (prana), and is descending to the navel from above. They must both reach the navel at the point of full inhalation. When you feel that the two forces are meeting in the navel, perform kumbhaka, retention of breath, and then develop mental awareness of the single central point of force in the navel. Do not strain. Release the breath and continue this practice in your own natural rhythm.
The awareness of the two forces traveling and meeting in the navel center must be simultaneous.
Now, as the two forces are converging in the navel, gradually allow moolabandha to take place. Go on contracting moolabandha as you heighten your awareness of the force which is centered in the navel. Hold your breath for as long as you can, while centralizing the force in the navel and performing moolabandha. As you release the breath, release moolabandha as well. Do not strain. Go on go on practicing for 3 minutes or more. Practice this Kriya for at least 1 month.

Monday, 10 June 2019

a place of infinite silence...

I thought it would be useful to touch on how it begins. Before there is a person. I’ve covered this before in places like Deepest Being, but it can be useful to explore it with a different language.
Essentially, there is silence. The silence has 2 qualities:
– alertness, which becomes what we call consciousness or the observer
– liveliness, which becomes what we call experiences and the world
The liveliness stirs the alertness into awareness. Awareness becomes aware of itself, creating a process of observation. This process creates qualities we may call intelligence – direction, attention, and so forth. And that creates existence or the sense of being. (you’ll note from experience there is no sense of being unless there is also an observing)
In the primary reality, there is no space or time. Just this lively alert intelligence. Everything is experienced concurrently.
All those separate events you experience, indeed all lifetimes are just layers of attention in a timeless moment. Words are of course inadequate. To say layers implies space and time. They are not separate but rather interlaced shifts in liveliness.
In a similar way, all beings in a universe are just slight shifts in attention. And we’re not just talking about people, but all life forms. Like moving your eyes from one word to the next as you read this.
A slight phase shift and you have another universe of beings with a whole different set of experiences. Yes, a literal another universe.
Everything, everywhere, everyone, all in a moment.
We might think this is how God sees the world, but God also sees all possible ways of seeing concurrently.
For you and I, attention collapses to a point, a focus. Infinity becomes focused on a single wave or event. This attention on a point causes time and space to, as if, unfold from a point. The play of life appears on the screen of awareness.
Another way to see it is that when the observer steps in to see the observed, a  “space” is created. When the attention is focused on events in space, we experience time. This awareness can go into detail and experience it fully. Know and feel what it is.
Some then get “caught” by this experience by forgetting how to disengage. How to step out of the focus. So we journey into the detail, then journey back out into the boundless. This is the evolutionary cycle.
Some physicists suggest there are other dimensions, rolled up very small. While I don’t agree with this, it is true that space and time themselves are both unfolded and rolled up, which may give the impression of alternate dimensions. The rolled up dimensions are not other dimensions but rather the same ones, seen from a different perspective. Or, seen another way, we are experiencing our current space-time, but all other non-current space-time is rolled up.
We can also see that people experience overlapping realities or a shared sense of the world because there is only one world. Indeed, there is only one ‘me’.
One can, of course, explore this from many angles and go into much more detail.
One interesting one is the idea of subtle memory, Smriti. We are essentially remembering by unfolding what is rolled up. Evolution, even life itself is a process of remembering.
It’s very fascinating to see that reality isn’t really there. In any way. The mind doesn’t like this much though. (laughs)


Friday, 26 April 2019


The Soul
One of the things you hear less about is the second thread. There is the white sutra coming in the top of the head, connecting you with the divine. And then there is a second, the more direct thread that enters the heart and joins the Sushumna there in a kind of T. That plexus or meeting of threads is a sort of super chakra, a spirit-driven one we call the soul. Where Shakti meets Shiva, Prakriti meets Purusha.
This is why devotional and other heart-based practices are so potent. They take advantage of the direct connection through the heart. It is also why the awakening heart is such a profound point on the journey, both the ascending opening of Love and the descending awakening of divine love.
Compassion dawns from the upper energy flowing into the heart, higher passion from the lower energy flowing up into the heart. Again, these are not practices but experiences when the flow opens.
Many other practices are mental or sensory (Gyan or karma yogi) or physical.(Hatha) Each has their best use and best times on the journey as the Purushas table illustrates, but don’t neglect that heart.  ðŸ˜‰

The awakening process includes a number of components. The increasing connection with transcendent spirit, the clearing of those energy knots, the refinement of the energy system to support finer values of energy (higher resolutions), and the movement of energy into higher levels.
Some describe the energy moving up systematically, but for most, different parts open at different times. “Spiritual experiences” may be related to opening and movement of the upper 3 chakras, especially the third eye and crown.
The third eye brings us celestial and divine sight. The talents of seers and visionaries. The crown is our connection to the divine. Often prior to or with awakening, the upper 2 make a major connection. If this is sudden, it’s characterized by a brilliant flash of white light that absorbs everything.
This is the gateway to cognitions and profound knowledge not available through the lower centers. Some equate it with enlightenment, but again, awakening is not experienced. This is secondary to the process. Some people don’t get this stuff clear until much later, long after waking. Also, as a master once said, everybody can realize, not everyone will cognize.
Once the connection to the divine is established, the divine begins to descend through the centers. Adyashanti talks of Self-moving forward and absorbing the head, heart, and gut. As these are related to the ego, divine, and identity, they are also related to the 3 main higher states of consciousness.
Thus the evolution of enlightenment runs parallel to the descent of the divine.
“This direct relationship with God is first established on the level of Being and then comes to be on the level of feeling; from there it enters the field of thinking and then finds its way on to the sensory level of experience.”
— Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
The upper three are the spiritual centers. However, when the energy descends, it spiritualizes all of them.
One important detail here that I’ve seen presented a number of ways. Some describe chakras above the head, post crown. When this is first experienced, the divine can seem above the head, like more layers. But when this opens after awakening, the perspective shifts, and the upper chakras as if flip over and turn out to be another mirroring. (see below) The same 7 chakras are mirrored with divine versions, descending. Remember this is non-linear non-physical – it’s all about perspective and perception. How you’re looking.
So they’re not really separate chakras, but the divine energy is quite different and quite a bit higher resolution. In a way, they’re kind of concurrent spiritual chakras, overlaying the existing ones, like the bodies do above. If you had good experiences with the ascending openings, wait until you see what descending brings. Far more profound.
This little table illustrates how they might be numbered and how it folds. So we might count 7 or 12, depending on how we wish to look.
7 >/CrownDivine
6 // 8Third eyeDivine sight
5 // 9ThroatDivine voice
4 // 10HeartDivine heart
3 // 11GutDivine power
2 // 12GonadDivine passion
1 /<RootGrounded
As this process deepens, the whole perception changes several times. The intelligence and intention inherent in anything or event happening becomes increasingly obvious. Events no longer appear as random but rather an orchestrated dance of astonishing complexity and perfection.
If one perceives this from a personalized perspective, these intelligent laws are perceived as ‘devata’, essentially what a westerner would call angels and fairies. Complete with personalities. (laughs)
When consciousness evolves, perception evolves with it. The perception of conscious intention shifts from an energy system into the flow or movement of consciousness.
“From the cosmic perspective, they are seen for what they are. The whole body is seen differently. Energy centers are seen as a flow of consciousness. It’s not even energy anymore.”
— Lorne Hoff
Becoming – Why Seven?
From a place of infinite silence, alertness and liveliness arise. The liveliness stirs alertness into awareness and awareness becomes aware of itself.  The observation of Self by itself causes the one to step into Itself, creating an apparent duality and the trinity of the observer, observation, and process of experience. This is the trinity you hear of in many faiths.
We could call them the first 3 ‘chakras’ of God. There are 2 further principles at work here. As above, so below, and mirroring. In other words, what arises within God is mirrored and repeated at successive levels of resolution.
This takes place within divinity, within creation, within the universe and within you. Thus when the sutra or intention descends, a bubble of awareness forms we call the universe, the 1 unfolds into 3.
The 3 are joined by the second thread connection at the heart, creating a fulcrum. The upper 3 principles mirror over the fulcrum into 7.
The 7 then found the various resolutions of our physicality described above. As mentioned before, the 7 chakras pre-exist the rest of the energy system and are the same ones shared by all life in the universe.
Again, the layers interpenetrate rather than them being stacked in a physical way. Like electrons, they are areas of probability, or rather a possibility. As they are mirrors, they are not separate either.
This is a brief overview of a very large subject. There are a number of ways of seeing this, dictated by where you are standing and what quality of energy you bring. I cannot say my vision is complete or perfect in any way. But this is how I understand it now. I hope it’s shed a bit of light on the nature of your presence in the world.
Even the description itself here is of several ways of seeing what is not separate. There is only one of us, completely inclusive but expressing always.


Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Practical Understanding of Subtle Energy System.

Firstly, understand that biology responds to energy and light, not just chemicals. For example, the skin produces Vitamin D and tans when exposed to sunlight. Biologists have discovered individual cells respond to specific energy and light frequencies. Pay attention to the energy you’re feeding yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically.
If you look at depictions of the subtle body, they tend to show each body out wider than the previous. The physical, the etheric close in, the emotional aura, and the causal glow. But keep in mind the causal infuses all of them. The highest spirit “body” has no limits and interpenetrates all.
To give you a sense of how different chakras energy feeds a given area of life, here’s a chart. Keep in mind, these are generalizations. Again, this isn’t about doing direct energy work but rather being mindful of your active resistances so you can release them, thus allowing the energy to flow more smoothly.
Mental BodyEmotional Body
7Crownhigher IntuitiveUnity
6Third eyeImagination / GnosisUnbounded freedom
5ThroatConceptualBliss, Compassion
3Solar PlexusReason, willPassion, anger
2GonadsSocialDesire, lust
1RootAnimal, connectedFear, despair, grounded
A simple overview of what constitutes healthy functioning energy can be useful. Note that this is not so much about the quantity of energy as may be implied by “low” and “high”. That’s more just how we experience it subjectively. The actual mechanism is a balance of what are known as gunas – sattva, rajas, and tamas.
There is also no “wrong” energy here. This is about quality and balance, not good and bad.
A big reason for quality and balance issues is resistance, a need to do some allowing. The key with resistance is seeing it, so this is designed to help with that. If you tend to vacillate back and forth between low and high, perhaps this is an area needing balance. Sometimes, finding a balance is just a matter of shifting attention or focus.
Please don’t treat these as gospel but rather a general overview to give you a sense of it. Where exactly you hold the resistance can be misleading as acupuncture illustrates. An energy point in one place can affect the body in another. Thus you have a certain experience but store the holding elsewhere. Look to the resistance and let the holding release itself.
Healthy(sattva, balance)Low energy
(tamas or inertia)
Excess energy (rajas or fire)
7connection with divine,
open-mindedness, presence
closed mind, apathy,
holding onto beliefs,
spiritual cynicism.
disconnect from spirit,
excessive attachments,
living in our heads,
even with spirit.
6intuition, lucid dreams.
wisdom, vision,
spiritual gifts
denial, Maya as coveringillusion. Maya
intellect alone
5speak my truth, integrity,
resonant full voice,
sense of timing and rhythm,
how to put into words,
wallflower, secretive,
don’t want people to
know who I am.
gossip doesn’t know
when to be silent,
talks too much
4unconditional love and bliss,
social and spiritual identity,
empathy, accepting
Fear of intimacy,
afraid to be vulnerable
A people pleaser, not
rock the boat, martyr,
actor in the drama
3Disciple to stay balanced,
confident, energetic,
responsible, reliable,
the rock.
Submissive, not
making choices for self.
over competitive,
dominating, hyper,
showing off,
always right.
2Passion for life, embrace
change, enjoy pleasure.
Sexual satisfaction.
Ability to flow with life.
Emotional intelligence.
Spiritual maturity.
Avoid pleasure,
fear of sexuality,
lack of passion.
Emotional numbness,
Poor social skills,
Boredom & depression.
Too fast. Addictions
(substance &
obsessive attachments,
Large mood swings
1Feel grounded, strong
physical and emotional
sense, physical health,
comfortable in body, solid,
live in now.
Order, cleanliness,
prosperous, can sit still
Flighty, vague, maybe,
restlessness, difficulty
obsessing about health
and order, lethargic,
always wanting,
workaholic, hoarding,
excess spending,
resistance to change,
fear and anxiety

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Bhairava Mudra!

Instant calm and  Quiet determination  #dailymudras #mudra #Bhairavamudra #calm

Myths and Resistance.

One of the things you’ll run into is variations in chakra count. Some will suggest 5 or 9 or 14 or even 22. They may include the feet or other centers in the head, for example. This is because there are both major and minor centers, plus different ways of looking. Same reason the meridians are described a little differently than the nadis. It simply depends on how you’re looking and what you’re counting.
I describe 7 for several reasons. Primarily because this is the way creation becomes and using the principle as above, so below, it’s clear that this fits here. Also, unlike other chakras, the 7 are pre-created and are the ones met by the Ida and Pingala.
Towards the end, I describe why 7 in more detail. I also talk about how the 7 can be seen as 12 when divinity descends.

The biggest issue is the idea that the kundalini energy needs to be pushed. From what I’ve seen, that’s a bad idea as you can cook your nervous system.
Secondly, it is through the spirit that we awaken, not through energy manipulation. It is perfectly possible to awaken before the kundalini is completely clear.
The better approach is to work on infusing transcendence and clearing our resistance. The Kundalini will rise naturally when sufficient purification and refinement has taken place. I’ll review that shortly.
I appreciate that there are whole systems devoted to awakening the kundalini energy. But there’s the big difference between techniques to clear and techniques to push. Kundalini may bring some flashy experiences, but that stuff can be a trap. In the original teaching I studied, these subjects were barely mentioned.
Some suggest the 7 states of consciousness correspond to the awakening 7 chakras, but this is not true. Self-realization, the 5th state, already involves transcending the 7th chakra. 
Some suggest mind or ego or some other function is associated with a specific chakra. These are effects of a blend of energy, not a specific chakra. See above.
Some people describe the ascent of kundalini energy as a symptom of awakening. Really it is simply a symptom of awakening kundalini, rising prana in clearing channels. For some people, the clearing will be gentle. For others, there may be some big flash. That just means it cleared more suddenly. Many people will experience only minor energy events. Twitches, warming, and so forth.
Also, the chakras often don’t “flower” sequentially from the bottom. I know people that were more or less backward. It depends on where you may have been storing your resistance and where you give your attention. Some are clear above and blocked below, some the other way around. I discuss some symptoms or a little of how to tell in Part 4.
Some people may experience the energy “uncoiling” and rising the spine. Or simply a great deal of ‘fire’ in one area. But this is more about clearing. When the way is clear, it will flow smoothly.
It’s also important to understand that this is not just about clearing the main line. This is also about clearing the other thousands of energy channels. As with all growth and development, it’s not a tidy linear thing.
Some will suggest to you that you must conserve your kundalini energy because it’s limited in some way. Have sex, and it won’t rise to divinity. As I outlined prior, Hogwash. For one, kundalini is almost unlimited when it is clear. For another, it will flow easily from one to another use, especially if the channels are fairly clear.
The issue with sex or food or anything else is quality over quantity. You want to consume with quality and you want to avoid over or under stimulating yourself too much. Moderation in all things.
Posture is another one. Good posture is healthy for the physiology. But it has nothing to do with subtle energy. Remember, the main line is straight whatever position you’re in. Comfort, not strain is the way to peace.
Some describe the energy flow as being blocked. This is rarely the case. The flow is simply restricted. Like blood flow in clogged arteries. Has to slow down or go around. Creates friction. Not flowing smoothly and freely through us.
Some suggest the intersections of the Ida and Pingala created the chakras, similar to the way the others are by the meetings of nadis. And there is a way to see it like this, but the higher view shows the 7 coming in first and the Ida and Pingala twining because of them. I talk about why in Part 5.
I talk a lot about resistance on this blog. How we hold or push against our experiences. These holdings are stored “physically” in our energy system. Some describe them as literal knots in the nadis. We can even experience them like this, as lump-like knots in places like the shoulders. Those muscles are pulling tight from energy stimulation.
In Sanskrit, the word for such knots is Granthi. However, this is often used to refer to primary knots in the main sushumna, even to 3 primary places they’re found. As this varies by person and there are many secondary channels to clear also, this approach is an overemphasis on certain experiences. I’ve also found that major blockages are often between chakras, not in the vortexes themselves. No hard and fast rules here. But you may become aware of constriction, a crust, or some general muckiness to be cleared.
These knots can be formed for any number of reasons:
– physical injury
– emotional traumas
– psychological resistance
– any kind of incomplete healing
– drugs can plug things up
– poor diet
– pretty much anything excessive
– pretty much any kind of avoidance
– stress
– resistant beliefs
– the ego and identity structures
– karmic carry-overs, known as samskaras or past impressions.
In other words, much of our baggage, history, and personhood is stored in our energy body. For most people, the bulk is held in the lower bodies but there are bits scattered all over. Some quite physical, some more subtle, like the identity.
One of the reasons people recommend meditation is because it offers the experience of transcendence. Another reason, and why I recommend effortless meditation, is that it brings deep rest to the physiology, allowing it to relax, to let go of the holding. This allows the nadis to unblock and the energy to flow freely again.
At one point, I thought of karma and stress as synonymous. However, karma simply means action. Stress is resistance, its opposite. However, the aspect of stress that causes us to repeat poor habitual behaviors is the mechanism that keeps us on what is known as the “wheel of karma”, the rotating cycle of repeating unresolved, resisted experiences.
We will have clearing taking place through any sort of healing process. Much of it will be like tiny shifts. But sometimes, we may feel tingling, heating or cooling of a specific area, muscle twitches and jerks, sudden brief intense emotions, and so forth. If a large blockage clears, we can sometimes feel discomfort while the cruddy energy moves out. That’s a good time to lie down for a few minutes to let any off feelings pass.
If you experience a sudden chakra opening, they can be quite powerful. Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi talks about the awakening 2nd. The heart being the seat of the soul and pure love can also be very profound. I’ll explore this more a little further on. Just be reminded that flash is not necessary and is not the important part. Flash just means contrast. Most flash arises because of a sudden change rather than a more gradual, smooth opening. That’s all.
After we do some serious clearing, there can be a sense of a lightened load, greater inner light, relief, more energy, and sometimes a sense of peace or happiness.