Chakrasana or the wheel pose is a backward bending yoga asana. Chakra in Sanskrit means Wheel and Asana means a pose. In Chakrasana, the final position looks like a wheel, hence the name. This posture gives great flexibility to the spine.
How to do Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)?
- Lie down on your back with hands on the side.
- Bend your knees and bring your heels as close to the buttocks as possible. The heels should be about 1 foot apart.
- Now raise your hands and bring it back next to the ears. Place the palms on the floor with the fingers pointing towards the shoulders.
- Lift your body up with the support of the palms and the feet.
- Rotate the head slightly, so that your gaze is towards the floor.
- Stretch your thighs and shoulders. In the final position, your body looks like an arch, almost like a wheel.
- Maintain this position, according to your capacity.
- To release the position, lower your body until it touches the ground. Straighten your legs. Hands can go back to the original position to the sides.
- It should be followed by forward bending poses to counteract the pressure created by the back bend.
Benefits of Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)
- Chakrasana strengthens the back and abdominal muscles.
- It tones the organs in the abdomen including the digestive, excretory and reproductive organs.
- It strengthens arms, shoulders, wrists, abdomen, and spine.
- It expands the chest and lungs.
- It stimulates the thyroid gland.
- Chakrasana is excellent for those suffering from back pain.
- It tones the liver, pancreas, and kidneys.
Contraindication for Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)
- Chakrasana should be avoided by those suffering from cardiac ailments.
- Those who suffer from high blood pressure should also avoid this pose.
- If you are suffering from vertigo you may do this pose with caution under supervision.
- Those who have undergone recent surgeries should not attempt this pose.