
Monday, 24 August 2015

Modern-Day Priestess!

The Modern-Day Priestess is…
A woman who is deeply rooted in her knowing of self. She stands within her own center of gravity not being swayed by the energy, desires or will of others.
A woman who lives in alignment with her own truth…her decisions match and support her highest vision for her life because she is clear about what she most values and what is true for her.
A woman who knows her rhythms and cycles. She flows with them with elegance and aligns her life vision with timing that is natural for her.
A woman who knows and trusts her inner voice of wisdom…and she looks within for her own answers and guidance.
A woman who is deeply spiritual. Her beliefs and practices are typically not rooted in any particular religion, however they are informed by practices that resonate with her spiritual truth.
A woman who knows she is the creator of her life and her reality. She brings full presence, sacred practice, ceremony and ritual into every aspect of her life. She lives and works in communion with the divine.
A woman who leads by guiding others with her sacred wisdom while also empowering them to connect with and access their own sacred source of wisdom. ॐ heart emoticon


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  3. Hi Ahswin, Thank you so much for sharing this!
    Please also offer accurate attribution as this has been written by Lori A Andrus and pasted from one of her program offerings, the Priestess Pathway
    Many Thanks!
    with joy, Lori

  4. Hi Ahswin, Thank you so much for sharing this!
    Please also offer accurate attribution as this has been written by Lori A Andrus and pasted from one of her program offerings, the Priestess Pathway
    Many Thanks!
    with joy, Lori
