Friday, 30 May 2014

Stretch Prior To Squat Exercises!

If you are just starting to get back in to an exercise regimen, this is the way to start.Squatting is an excellent exercise as it helps build and coordinate some of your major muscles.
So, if you are just getting started doing this Squat Stretching Exercise will help you maintain your balance, while getting some good stretching in.
Stretching: How to Stretch for Squat Exercises

To start this Squat Stretching Exercise stand holding on to a stable pole, such as one of the weight machines or a door jamb (if at home), slowly Squat until your backend is as close to the ground as possible.
*Important* Please do this exercise SLOWLY, as your muscles are not used to this exercise (if just getting started), and if you have been lifting for any time, still perform this stretch slowly as to insure you are warmed up for when you do add weight.
When you have reached the bottom of your Squat Stretching Exercise hold this position for a count of ten, then rise up and repeat. 10 repetitions is a good number to start with.
For the more advanced shift your body weight slightly from one leg to the other, alternating for each repetition.
The Squat Stretching Exercise is excellent for stretching the Adductor muscles, muscles important in tilting your body and your balance.
Benefits of Squat Stretching Exercises:
  1. Help increase flexibility to the legs, particularly the inner thighs
  2. Help increase circulation throughout the legs
  3. Help increase your leg strength and balance
  4. Warms up your leg muscles in preparation of leg exercises
  5. Assists in the loosening up of the leg muscles after exercises to help prevent residual soreness.

Stretch The Tricep Muscles!

Tricep Stretch – Exercise 1
This Tricep Muscle Stretching Exercise can be done either sitting or standing, keeping your back as erect as possible.
Raise the arm you are stretching directly over your head, bend the elbow to 90 degrees, attempt to keep your elbow slightly behind your head, and hold the stretch to a count of 10, breathing slowly.
Muscles being stretched are the triceps, teres major and latissimus dorsi.
To add additional stretch use the opposing hand to slowly pull the elbow down behind your head.
Stretching:  Stretching The Tricep Muscle 90

Stretching the Tricep MusclesTricep Stretch – Exercise 2
Again, either sitting or standing, keep back erect as possible.
Raise your arm above your head, elbow slightly behind your head, bend your elbow down behind your head and with your opposing hand, gently grasp your bent elbow. Now, with gentle pressure, pull your bent elbow down as far as possible behind your head, hold for a count of 10, then slowly raise your elbow up so that it is up by your ear again.
Muscles being stretched are the teres major, the long head of the triceps brachii, and, to a lesser degree, the latissimus dorsi.
NOTE: These exercises are particularly important for those that are doing heavy lifting, as these stretches will help avoid tears of the long head of the triceps.
  1. Increase Tricep flexibility
  2. Improve circulation to the tricep and latissimus dorsi
  3. Help prevent tears to the long head of the tricep during heavy lifting
  4. Help loosen muscle prior to exercising and get blood circulating
  5. Help relax tricep muscle after strenuous exercise to help reduce after workout soreness.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Soak yourself in healing sounds!

Sound is healing. 

Mantra’s are medicine.
Sound has long been considered a healing tool from many ancient traditions.
Chanting mantra’s, singing bowls, drums, flutes and other musical instruments are all known to calm and soothe our nervous system which in turn strengthens the immune system and brings a healing vibration deep into our cells.

The Medicine Of Five Slow Minutes:

“Small acts of slowness are medicine for a depleted body and exhausted mind”

Do slow for five minutes. It’s medicine.
Breathe slowly. Think slowly. Move slowly. Speak slowly. Listen slowly. Eat deliciously slowly. Look at your surrounds slowly. Really look at your surrounds with gentle slowness and expanded awareness.
Pick anything you like and simply do it exquisitely slowly. 
onceeverythingfallsintoplaceChoose to become the essence of slow for the next five minutes.
It’s time to pause and adjust the speed of your busyness.  Switch to the replenishing flow of slow.
Slow is meditation in motion.
Slow helps settle and ground scattered energies.
Slow protects you from energy zapping distractions and the relenting force of busyness.
Slow gives you space to connect.  Really connect with the person or activity in front of you.
Slow is profoundly medicinal with amazing consequences.

Slow rituals:

Do one thing slowly for 5 minutes.  That’s it!  
*Following are a few suggestions if you’re not sure where to start.
Slow sitting:
Sit where you are now.  Close the screen.  Disconnect from the distractions. Forgot about multi-tasking and the activities around you.
Close your eyes if you need too. Notice how you feel on the inside.
Slow any anxious sensations  or need to rush feelings with deeper inhales and slightly noisy sighing exhales. Yep, noisy exhales!
There’s nothing quite like the relief that follows with a releasing vocal sigh.
Slow your breath:
Gently slow and deepen the rhythm of your breath.
As your breath relaxes your inhales and exhales will gradually become less jerky, agitated or short and sharp.
A slow breath is an even calming breath.
Slow movements:
Loosen up.  Let it go.
Slowly move your body to unwind it.
Roll your head slowly around in circles, release the neck tension. Rotate your shoulders slowly, feel them loosen up. Slowly draw a circle with your spine, create space and energy flow in your back again.
Slow unplanned random movements can untangled your inner turmoil.
Slow eating:
Sit down. Arrive at your meal.
Notice your food. Smell your food. Taste your food. Chew your food slowly. Pause after each mouthful.
Simply slow the whole ritual of eating down.
The more you notice what you eat the greater the nourishment you extract from your food.
Slow thinking:
Pay attention to your thinking.
Notice the speed at which thoughts come and go.
Practice, listening  to your thoughts in slow motion.
Slow walking:
Slow walking without a purpose. Simple.
Relax your body.  Lengthen your spine. Feel into your feet. Notice each step.
You might like to read,  Teach yourself walking meditation.
Slow writing:
No speed texting or abbreviated words.
Grab a pen and piece of paper.  Slowly write.  Anything. Random unconnected thoughts are perfect.
* Firstly, notice if you are holding tension with your pen grip
Here’s my little attempt at slow writing: I am writing to slow my breathe and crowded thoughts. The slower I write the calmer I  feel. I relax the grip on my pen. My fingers are relaxing. My whole hand is relaxing.  It’s working.  I’m gently holding the pen. I’ bringing no tension to my written words.  Awesome. Gosh, I write differently when I don’t feel so rushed. I’m beginning to feel slower on the inside. I am now writing incredibly slowly. Really slowly. It’s amazing. Each slowly written word is speaking to every corner of my body. How therapeutic.
Slow reading:
Grab your favorite inspirational book.
Open randomly and slowly read.  Feel into the words.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Stretch the Forearm Muscles!

Stretching the Forearm Muscles
In the left pictograph we are stretching the ‘extensor muscles’ of the wrist.
Start by extending your arm straight out in front of you and flex your wrist, palm to your body. Use your other hand to grasp the outer portion of your hand and slowly pull it towards your inner forearm, keeping your elbow extended throughout the stretch.
The muscles you are stretching in the exercise are the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris, and anconeus.
In the right pictograph we are stretching the ‘wrist flexor muscles’.
This time extend your arm with the palm facing outward, with your other had grasp your upper palm and finger area, and slowly pull your fingers towards the top part of your forearm.
This exercise is for stretching the palmaris longus, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, superficial and deep finger flexors, and supinator.
Benefits of Forearm Stretching
  1.  Increase forearm flexibility
  2.  Improve circulation to your lower arms and fingers
  3.  Help improve finger dexterity
  4.  Loosen forearm muscles prior to any strenuous exercises involving any aspect of your arms
  5.  After exercises these stretches help avoid any cramping due to the tightening of these muscles during your exercise routine.

Stretch the Hamstrings!

To start your Hamstring Stretching do a few jumping jacks or running in place to warm up your muscles.
For your first Hamstring Stretching exercise stand on one leg with your knee slightly bent, your other leg out in front by about one foot, knee held firmly in place, bring the toes up towards your shin (dorsiflexion).
Then place one hand on each of your thighs, elbows bent, with your back arched forward, slowly continue to bend your upper body (torso) forward, focus on the feeling in your hamstring. Do not bounce, but continue to tilt your upper body forward slowly until you are not able to bend it any further, hold for a count of 10 to 20, return to starting position.
Repeat with the other leg.
Stretching: How to Stretch the Hamstrings

How to Stretch the Hamstrings using a bench or a bar

Here we advance to a little more stretching of the Hamstrings by placing one leg on a bench or a bar.
Stand in a similar position as above, placing the heel of the foot of the leg to be stretched on a bench or bar. In the beginning relax the foot and the shin muscles, knee straight (but not locked). Tilt forward at the pelvis feeling the stretch in the hamstring, hold for a count of 10 to 20, then return to your upright position.
As you advance in this Hamstring Stretching exercise, you will pull your toes up closer to your shin (dorsiflexion), this will add additional stretching to your hamstring, as well as the calf muscles.
Stretching: How to Stretch the Hamstrings with Bench

Full Extension Hamstring Stretching

As you continue to advance you will move on to the touching of the toes. Starting from standing erect, slowly bend your torso forward until you fingertips are touching the floor. Think about relaxing your entire body as you do this Hamstring Stretching exercise. Once you have achieved the furthest of your reach towards your toes, with each hand grasp the back side of your leg and gently pull your torso closer to your legs, hold for a count of 10, repeat 3 to 5 times.
With continued practice you will eventually be able to grasp the back of your ankles, bringing your nose to your knees. Do not push this, it takes time and practice, but this is your goal.
Stretching: How to Stretch the Hamstrings - Full Extension
As with all stretching exercises you should be able to feel equal tension (ie. each hamstring muscle), this is a goal to have equality in your muscle flexibility.
Remember to always do these stretching exercises gently and slowly, this will accomplish our goal of building stronger and more flexible muscles, and assist us in preventing injury as we take up exercises and sports.
Benefits of Hamstring Stretching:
  1. Adds balance and flexibility to the leg muscles
  2. Increases strength to the hamstring muscles
  3. Increases circulation to the legs and leg muscles
  4. Warms up and loosens the hamstring muscles prior to exercise
  5. Stretching after exercises helps in preventing injury and residual soreness

Friday, 23 May 2014

Feet Massage Wonders! you suffer from anxiety or insomnia then give yourself a warm oil foot massage.  It’s deeply nourishing to the nervous system.
Warm some organic coconut oil then add one or two drops of the essential oil vetiver.
Gentle massage around ankles, heels, along the top of your feet, in-between all toes and the soles of your feet.   Spend longer on spots where you find soreness.  Finish with long gentle strokes up and down your calf muscles.


“Live in a softer body. Drop your shoulders. Lift your heart. Lengthen your spine. Relax your belly”
Empty is the energy swirling around us at the moment.
To empty opens us up, expands our glow in the world, creates space for all sorts of new possibilities and ways of thinking and being.
Empty is a cleansing medicine that you can apply to any area of your life.  Perfect if your life is over-filled, with little room for creativity, play and rest. Healing if your health is not the best.
Empty is a gift. A choice. An opportunity.
Empty is not a loss.
Empty creates space.  Space so you can live and be the best version of yourself.

Empty is a perfect opportunity to let go (physically, emotionally or energetically) of all that no longer serves who we are today.
Over these holidays I’ve been emptying my life.
Not in a big, shake it all up kinda a way, but simply, peacefully.  Emptying a little each day.  Releasing heaviness, complications and tangles that I seem to have created over the year.  Empty leads to feelings of lightness and flow and a belief that change is possible.
Simple rituals to empty:
Empty your lungs:
Let go of stagnant air and stuck toxic emotions sitting at the bottom of your lungs.
Exhale fully and empty your lungs completely.  Your inhales will then naturally be deeper, more satisfying, reaching into all corners of your lungs, infusing your body with more oxygen (great for your blood and organs) and boosting detoxing.
Empty your head:
Calm your mind. Give space to your thoughts. Grab a pen and scribble words onto a page.  They don’t need to make sense or look neat.
Getting thoughts, words, shapes and images out of your head and onto paper is incredibly therapeutic. It’s relaxes your thinking, brings you more into the now and sometimes brings a dose of clarity and guidance.
Empty your stuff:
Live well with less.
Start small with a draw in your kitchen or under your bed.
It’s time to let go of anything unloved, unused, unwanted or broken. Feel a sense of lightness that follows when you clear your clutter.
Empty your attachment to screens:
Screens stimulate, demand and constantly interrupt.  Screens fatigue the eyes.
Go for half a day, a few hours without checking your phone or staring at a screen.
Most importantly remove screens from your bedroom. At the very least avoid screens for the first hour or more of your morning.
Empty your to-do list (aka excessive busyness)
Be open to new possibilities. Be brave. Be willing to let go of your to-do list and take an un-planned day.
It works miracles. Go wherever your feet take you. Walk fast if you need too, before you change your mind!
Empty yourself from multi-tasking:
Slow it down a notch! One moment. One focus. One breath. One thing at a time. Your adrenals will thank you.
Give your whole attention to one thing – well.
Mono-tasking is the new black.  Multi-tasking is very last centry.


Thursday, 22 May 2014

Small Rituals = Big Medicine

Be your own medicine by nourishing yourself, one slow breath and one replenishing ritual at a time.
Small rituals are big medicine.
Add more moments of pausing, deep breathing, soft thinking, slow living and intentional rest into your day.

Smile Into Your Organs:

I love the idea that smiling is used as a healing and meditation practice by many ancient cultures.    Taoists believe that holding a smile on your face and directing it inwards towards your organs and inner body, is the key to good health and longevity.

Traditional Balinese healers know that a smile washes away bad energy and recommend smiling meditation as a simple way to calm the mind and bring health to the soul.  The inspirational Thich Nhat Hanh has always encouraged us to smile as part of our daily practice for a more peaceful world, and as an essential ingredient in any  walking meditation.
How to smile on the inside:
I was first introduced to the Taoist exercise called the “inner smile” about 15 years ago.   I was studying with an awesome qi gong and Taoist instructor who had spent many years living in China.
Each week we were guided to smile on our face, really feel the smiling energy and then imagine ( in our minds eye )  sending the smiling energy into each of our organs.   Slowly and deliberately breathing the smiling energy fully into each organ.  We spent at least 5 minutes allowing each organ to receive the smiling energy before moving onto the next.  It was calming and an easy way to feel relaxed on the inside.  You’d be surprised how tense and tight organs can get.
Now, this might sound super easy, however  some weeks – to my surprise – some organs simply refused to receive a smiling breath.  The stubborn organ ( with attitude ) generally was tight, hard and tense.  It obviously needed relaxing along with a little bit of attention and love.  To achieve success, I would place my hands on the organ (for a stronger connection) continue to breathe and smile into the stubborn body part; until it finally softened and received the well-being benefits of the smiling energy.
I must say this simple little exercise taught me alot about my organs as I became more and more intimate with them as each week passed.  If the organ being stubborn was the kidney then I made sure I drank more water and used the smiling energy to dissolve any trapped fear in my kidneys.  If the organ being stubborn was the liver  I ate clean simple food – giving the liver a rest and focused on using the smiling energy to dissolve any trapped anger in my liver.
A few extra yoga twists were also useful in giving the organs a gentle detox and bringing fresh blood flow.
Smile into your organs and dissolve negative emotions:
In case you don’t know Chinese medicine believes there is a connection between your organs and emotions.    By simply giving your organs mindful attention and filling them with more healthy energy such as smiling and breathing (more oxygen and blood flow), you are in effect shifting emotional garbage trapped in your organs.  I can honestly say it does work.
Following is a simple explanation as to the emotions linked to your main organs.
1: Smile into your liver and dissolve anger:
Smiling into your liver can not only help dissolve anger and resentment but greatly assist with the decision making process.  Allow yourself to forgive, accept and feel kindness.
2: Smile into your kidneys and dissolve fear:
Feel safe, secure and protected in life again.  Breathe a smile into your kidneys, feel them soften on the inhalation and release fear and stress on the exhalation.
3:  Smile into your lungs and dissolve sadness or depression:
Fill your lungs on the inhale and totally empty them on the exhale.   Allow fresh new air to fill your lungs as you inhale the smiling energy.  Feel them relax and release any feelings of sadness and depression.
4:  Smile into your stomach and dissolve anxiety:
The stomach can often be a place where we hold lots of worry.  Smiling into your stomach can greatly help bring you into the present moment releasing worry and anxiety about the past and future.  Continue breathing the smiling energy into your stomach until it feels totally relaxed.  A relaxed stomach means improved digestion and a calmer you.
5: Smile into your heart and dissolve hate and impatience:
Smiling into your heart can help shift cruelty, hurt, hate and impatience.  Feel your heart fill with joy, kindness and compassion with each breath cycle.
6:  Smile into any body part:
Of course you can enjoy a quick 5 minute smiling break by breathing into any part of your body that is overworked, fatigued or stressed. Smile into your eyes if they are tired.  Smile into your jaw if you are clenching your teeth.  Smile into your shoulders if they are hunched and tight.  Smile into your feet if they are tired.  A smile encourages you to soften, release and improve energy flow.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014


#Health #Infographics - Brainology - Some Amazing Facts You Didn't Know About Your Brain #Infografia

Stretching the Back!

For Stretching the Back you will need a piece of equipment to hang from. As the back does so much work for you, day in and day out, this is a piece of equipment every household should have, it is easy to install, and may be used for a lot of great exercises beyond just for Stretching the Back.
Grab the bar and hang, and think about relaxing your body completely, this may take a few Back Stretching exercises to be able to relax completely, but you will be able to do it. While hanging inhale and exhale slowly, this will assist you in relaxing, as it expands and contracts the ribcage, tensing then easing the pressure on the discs of the vertebrae.
Stretching: Stretching the Back
Now that you are hanging, relaxed, slowly bring your chin down to your sternum (chest), this will add additional stretching to your upper and middle back.
Benefits of Stretching the Back:
  1. Helps limit the deterioration of the inter-vertebral discs
  2. Reduces the risk of disc herniation
  3. Strengthens the muscle groups of the back
  4. Prior to exercising, particularly with heavy weights, will warm up the muscles in preparation of the effort to be endured
  5. After exercising this exercise will help stretch and loosen the back muscles helping to alleviate residual soreness
*NOTE: If you have any stabbing pain, or previous injuries to your back, please consult a professional prior to trying this exercise.

Stretch the Anterior Deltoid!

To Stretch the Anterior Deltoid muscle start by standing erect, grasp your hands together, comfortably, behind your back pushing your arms back as far as possible.
Now slowly raise your arms up behind your back while pushing your chest out and pulling your chin in. Hold this exercise for a count of 10, then slowly lower your arms down.
This exercise focuses primarily on the Anterior Deltoid, and secondarily on the Pectoralis Major, Biceps Brachii, with additional stretching to the Brachialis, Brachioradialis and Extensor Muscle Group.
Stretching: How to Stretch the Anterior Deltoid
Benefits of Anterior Deltoid Stretching:
  1. Increase deltoid/shoulder flexibility
  2. Improve circulation to your chest, shoulders and arms
  3. Loosen shoulder/chest muscles prior to any strenuous exercises involving any aspect of your upper body
  4. After exercises these stretches help avoid any cramping due to the tightening of these muscles during your exercise routine.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Keep Walking!)))

#Health #Infographics - Walk your way to better health. Anatomy of walking #Infografia

Stretching the Abdominal!

To begin Stretching the Abdominal lie flat on your workout mat or other comfortable surface, arms fully extended and toes pointed directly behind you.
Then with palms flat on the floor, fingers pointed forward, slowly arch your back bringing one hand toward your body and placing it firmly on the floor, then with the other hand with fingertips at about where the base of the other hands palm is, place it firmly on the floor. Continue by alternating hands until you feel a good stretch in the abdominals and the external obliques.
DO NOT over-arch your back! The focus is on stretching the abdominals, midsection of your torso.
Caution: This is not a stretching exercise to be done if you have any type of medical condition to your back and/or lumbar region. Consult your medical professional for exercises if you have any type of back condition.
Stretching: Stretching the Abdominals
Once you have raised yourself to a comfortable stretching position, with hands firmly planted on the floor, breath slowly and deeply for a count of 10, one good inhale, feel the stretch, then slowly exhale. Proceed to lower yourself to your starting position by placing one hand then the other firmly on the floor in the reverse manner as you raised yourself, one hand after the other, to a lying position. Repeat 5 to 10 times, and then relax your torso for at least 30 seconds.

Advanced Stretching the Abdominals:

After you have been doing this stretching exercise for a couple weeks, you may add the slight, and slight means an inch or two, of rotating the shoulder one way, holding for count of ten as above, then the other to feel additional stretching in the external obliques.
Important:  Maintain your focus, feel the stretch in the abdominals, that is the only portion of your body you want to be stretching at this time.
As your abdominals are worked and stretched throughout the day, and in most every sport, this is an excellent stretch to start your day and any exercise session with.

Stretching the Abdominals muscles stretched:

  • Primarily, the upper and lower abdominals, and the external obliques

Benefits of Stretching the Abdominals

  1. Helps strengthen and tighten the abdominal muscles group
  2. Assists in abdominal flexibility
  3. The strengthening of the abdominals will give you better overall balance
  4. Warms up your abdominal muscles prior to exercises
  5. Stretches and loosens abdominals post exercises.


Stretching is one of the most important aspects of keeping fit.

You can Stretch anytime and, pretty much, anywhere, and it is one of the very best ways to start your day.  Follow these steps to do it safely and effectively.

What is Stretching?

Stretching is a form of physical exercise in which a specific muscle or tendon (or muscle group) is deliberately flexed or stretched in order to improve the muscle’s felt elasticity and achieve comfortable muscle tone. The result is a feeling of increased muscle control, flexibility, range of motion, increased blood flow to the muscles and decreases risk of activity related injury.

Stretching Safely is Key!

  1. Always warm up before your stretching routine, some easy calisthenics, jogging in place or a walk around the block.
  2. Focus on the major muscle groups (see illustrations)
  3. Stretching is not bouncing, stretching is a slow, continuous lengthening of the muscle group you are focusing on.
  4. You are stretching to loosen the muscle group, you will feel the tension, but you do not want to feel pain.  We trust you know the difference.
  5. Keep up on your stretching, make it a habit.  As you get used to your stretches continue to extend yourself to stretch each muscle group a little further each week.
By: Baby Boomer Fitness Challenge

Wednesday, 7 May 2014


Sun Salutation (surya namaskar)!

Sun Salutation(surya namaskar)

Surya Namaskar, the Sun Salutation, is a series of 12 postures performed in a single, graceful flow. Each movement is coordinated with the breath. Inhale as you extend or stretch, and exhale as you fold or contract. The Sun Salutation builds strength and increases flexibility. Different styles of yoga perform the Sun Saluation with their own variations. However, the flow presented below covers core steps used in most styles.
For the series below, a single round consists of two complete sequences: one for the right side of the body and the other for the left.
On days when you think you have no time for yoga, try and do at least one or two rounds of the Sun Salutation. You'll feel the difference.

1. Mountain

Begin by standing in Mountain pose, feet about hip width apart, hands either by your sides or in prayer position. Take several deep breaths.

2. Hands up

On your next inhale, in one sweeping movement, raise your arms up overhead and gently arch back as far as feels comfortable and safe.

3. Head to knees


As you exhale, bend forward, bending the knees if necessary, and bring your hands to rest beside your feet.

4. Lunge

Inhale and step the right leg back

5. Plank

Exhale and step the left leg back into plank position. Hold the position and inhale.

6. Stick

Exhale and lower yourself as if coming down from a pushup. Only your hands and feet should touch the floor.

7. Upward Dog

Inhale and stretch forward and up, bending at the waist. Use your arms to lift your torso, but only bend back as far as feels comfortable and safe. Lift your legs up so that only the tops of your feet and your ahnds touch the floor. It's okay to keep your arms bent at the elbow.

8. Downward dog

Exhale, lift from the hips and push back and up.

9. Lunge

Inhale and step the right foot

10. Head to knees

Exhale, bring the left foot forward and step into head-to-knee position.

11. Hands up

Inhale and rise slowly while keeping arms extended .

12. Mountain

Exhale, and in a slow, sweeping motion, lower your arms to the sides. End by bringing your hands up into prayer position. Repeat the sequence, stepping with the left leg.
src:Yoga Site